Top 6 Foods to Eat in Paris

The best place to get food in Paris is ANY boulangerie.

Bakeries, known as boulangeries, are everywhere, making it easy to stop in and grab a snack or some lunch.

My family and I tried fancier restaurants, but always ended up enjoying bakery treats the most.

Simplicity is the key to why these foods are so delicious.

1. Pain au Chocolat

There was a bakery and a grocery store right below the apartment where we were staying. We bought pain au chocolat and brioche au chocolat every morning for breakfast.


Brioche au chocolat and pain au chocolat (Photo by Elizabeth Gibson)

2. Macarons

Macarons are a great snack. They come in many different flavors. They’re sold in most boulangeries and are even sold in McDonald’s. In the United States, we also have a different type of macaron.


Macarons (Photo by Elizabeth Gibson)

3. Escargot

Escargot (snail) is a popular dish that can be found at many restaurants in Paris. Trying snails is a must when traveling to Paris. Some people actually enjoy the taste and eat them regularly. However, when we tried them, I didn’t taste anything other than garlic and butter.

2011 Family Vacation - Day 11c 069

Escargots (Photo by Elizabeth Gibson)

4. Crêpes

Crêpes come in savory or sweet options. My favorite sweet crêpe is one with Nutella. Street vendors selling sweet crêpes can be easily found around Paris. Savory crêpes are delicious for dinner and can include foods like ham, cheese, mushrooms, chicken or eggs – whatever you prefer.


Crêpe au fromage et jambon (Photo by Elizabeth Gibson)

Crêpe au Nutella (Photo by Cynthia Gibson)

5. Croque Monsieur

A croque monsieur (ham and cheese sandwich) was an easy meal to grab for lunch when we had a busy day planned. There is just so much cheese and butter on it, all toasted to perfection, that it was impossible not to eat two for lunch.


Croque Monsieur (Photo by Elizabeth Gibson)

6. Profiterole

A profiterole is like a cream puff but better. It has ice cream and a puff pastry with whipped cream on top, and all of that is doused with a thick, hot chocolate sauce. I wish I could eat this every night.


Profiterole (Photo by Elizabeth Gibson)

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